const textElement = document.querySelector(".typing-demo"); const texts = ["The Rift Walker.", "Boy From Nowhere."]; const glitchTexts = [ ["Th_ R#ft W@lker.", "Th# Ri^t W@lker."], ["Bo_ F#o_ Now#ere.", "Boy Fr#m No#where."] ]; let index = 0; function typeText(text, glitches, callback) { textElement.textContent = ""; = "3px solid red"; let i = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { textElement.textContent = text.slice(0, i); i++; if (i > text.length) { clearInterval(interval); setTimeout(() => glitchEffect(glitches, callback), 500); } }, 100); } function backspaceText(callback) { let text = textElement.textContent; let i = text.length; = "blink 0.8s step-end infinite"; const interval = setInterval(() => { textElement.textContent = text.slice(0, i); i--; if (i < 0) { clearInterval(interval); setTimeout(callback, 500); } }, 100); } function glitchEffect(glitches, callback) { if (glitches.length === 0) { callback(); return; } let i = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { textElement.textContent = glitches[i % glitches.length]; i++; if (i >= glitches.length * 2) { clearInterval(interval); textElement.textContent = texts[index]; setTimeout(callback, 500); } }, 100); } function loopText() { typeText(texts[index], glitchTexts[index], () => { backspaceText(() => { index = (index + 1) % texts.length; setTimeout(loopText, 500); }); }); } loopText();

updated: 2.13

𝓲 .zerna baxter οΉ—οΉ— grew up surrounded by the townhouses and cobblestone streets of west london. born in seoul and adopted as an infant, he grew up to be four eyed, an only child, and the light of his adoptive parents' lives. he was lavished in affection by the couple up until their sudden passing at the age of six. that very same year, he's urged to move to the states, falling under the joint guardianship of his aunt and uncle. throughout his childhood and into his years at stark high, he maintains his grades, lives an outwardly normal, somewhat positive, teenage life. until β€”β€”γ€Ÿten years later: zerna's bit by a radioactive spider. the transformation from scrawn to brawn is an overnight manifestation. his vision sharpened beyond human limits which renders his glasses obsolete. his enhanced strength was a given, rivaling that of superhuman beings οΉ™ γ…€soon to surpassγ…€οΉš. his body gains extraordinary regenerative abilities, healing factors at the cellular level, while also manifesting the power to teleport in quick, short ranged bursts. during his time at the lab, he stumbles upon his first breakthrough. his creation β€” an invention of a unique formula. the π˜„π—²π—― π—³π—Ήπ˜‚π—Άπ—±.π‘Ύπ’Šπ’•π’‰ π’ˆπ’“π’†π’‚π’• π’‘π’π’˜π’†π’“ π’„π’π’Žπ’†π’” π’ˆπ’“π’†π’‚π’• π’“π’†π’”π’‘π’π’π’”π’Šπ’ƒπ’Šπ’π’Šπ’•π’š...[ … ] tragedy struck when his uncle fell victim to a botched robbery attempt. though vengeance was his top priority, he chose to honor his uncle's memory by becoming a force for good. as the city's mysterious new webbed hero, his prowess caught the eye of tony stark β€” tech visionary, mogul, and founder of stark industries. recognizing potential, stark proposed a one time deal offer: a cutting edge suit enhancement in exchange for zerna's talents brought over to the company, marking the beginning of a pivotal mentorship.years goes by, time travel became reality through successful collaboration between baxter, stark and bruce banner, who've engineered unprecedented methods of manipulating space and time. despite warnings from his lover as well as his aunt, the young hero's reckless experiments with his teleportation abilities and the newly discovered technology for time travel created catastrophic distortion and bend in the timeline. these rifts in the space and time continuum triggers a devastating chain reaction, culminating in a cataclysmic explosion that obliterates nearly all life on earth. leaving him as the sole survivor in a desolate world of his own making.zerna's only hope was to craft a miniature teleportation device β€” a desperate attempt to unravel the mess he'd unleashed. though his invention proved to be successful, each attempt to rewrite history spawns increasingly devastating outcomes, as if the universe itself rejected his interventions. and in endless years of solitude, he discovers that time ceases to exist for him, leaving him eternally unchanged.after countless more years of aimless wandering, the burden of earth's destruction weighed heavy on him. every crumbling city and collapsed surrounding served its testament to his choices. in quiet moments, it haunts him, the silent accusations from billions echoing through his mind. this was his reality, his limbo, and he was willing to accept his fate. perhaps it wasn't too late for him as the watcher's intervention offered the young man the last glimmer of hope he needed: a chance to begin again in a parallel universe where the tragedy never happens. in this alternate world, his loved ones would be whole, happy, and most importantly β€” alive. though the cosmic reset would wipe clean the slate of passage of time, washing away all shared history, something deeper than their memories would remain. paths would inevitably cross again. he'd contemplate the decision, realizing it was both an ending and a genesis; the final chapter of a life defined by devastating failures, hope, and the first page of a story yet unwritten. in accepting this redemption, he wasn't just choosing a fresh start, he'd've embraced the responsibility to ensure that history would never repeat itself.𝓲𝓲 .zerna baxter οΉ—οΉ—grew up surrounded by the townhouses and cobblestone streets of west london a reincarnation for a soul that had lived before. in this reality, he would walk the same path that had shaped him in his previous life: enduring the loss of loved ones from the start, adapting to changing worlds, and growing into the hero he had once been. but this time, there was a crucial this universe, spider man exists both as a mysterious heroic figure who had truly protected the city's streets and as a wildly successful fictional character. the rest of the avengers and many other heroic figures came before him. a company known for their popular comics created their own version of him, naming him 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 π’‘π’‚π’“π’Œπ’†π’“, while the real wall crawler's identity remains anonymous that sparks endless speculation. grainy photographs and shaky video footage of the actual hero inspires the franchise, leading to blends of fact and fiction. zerna finds irony in watching his life transformed into entertainment. he didn't mind the cultural phenomenon; if anything, it served as a perfect cover, allowing him to hide in plain first, when the memories came, zerna dismissed them as mere daydreams. these flashes of another life felt like static disruptions β€” bursts of recognition, moments of deja vu that seemed too vivid to be deemed just his imaginations. but these episodes grew more frequent and intense as he grew older. and in his analytical nature, sharp as ever in this new incarnation, helped him piece together the fragments of his past existence. the truth becomes his most guarded secret. instead of following his previous life's path and staying in america with the rest of the avengers, zerna chooses to settle for a life in korea.οΌΌοΌΌ π™΄π™Ώπ™Έπ™»π™Ύπ™Άπš„π™΄: π™΄π™°πšπšƒπ™· -𝟷𝟢𝟺𝟾-𝙼 , Z.

οΌΌοΌΌ : π™΄π™°πšπšƒπ™· -𝟿𝟸𝟾, Z.

given name zerna baxter
birth name geun ryu
goes by geun / zerna (if close)
nicknames geuni, teddy, bear, web freak, dweeb, spider bite, zern/zerni (earth-928's miguel o'hara ), bax (tony stark & yohan)
date of birth 01.10.2XXX
reincarnated birth 03.23.99
place of birth namjung-dong
blood type unknown, still very radioactive
nationality english-american
family aunt, mom & dad (deceased), uncle (deceased)
height 180cm / 5'11ft
weight 75kg
mbti esfplanguages spoken korean (with the help of his girlfriend. still struggles), english, japanese
dialect butchered cockney mixed with an american accent.
s/o straight
relationship stat taken by his lover in every life. every universe.

// : π™΄π™°πšπšƒπ™· -𝟷𝟢𝟺𝟾-𝙼 , Z.

residence couch bum couch surfin mcgee / stays with his girlfriend from time to time.
hobbies kick boxing, taekwondo, playing video games, watching cooking videos, cooking, cleaning, learning facts about birds
signature fragrance creed's virgin island water
scent slight and very subtle hint of titanium alloy and vibranium
tattoos sleeve tattoo on his right arm / scribbles that are significant to him from adolescent years on the back of his right hand
piercings right eyebrow / 4 earlobe piercings (r) / lip piercing
scars come and go. regenerative cells go brrr.

despite distances, he never truly left the avengers. they understood his choice to make korea his primary domain, becoming seoul's guardian but when crisis calls, he crosses oceans without hesitation, arriving wherever the team needs him. these reunions always felt special to him. and though he'd grown beyond the wide eyed teenager they first knew, the team still playfully teases and toys with him, calling him their "little webling", a nickname that carries all warmth of years fighting side by saving zerna from his doomed timeline came a subtle but persistent cost for the watcher. the very fabric of time had been stretched and folded to accommodate a rebirth, and the universe's attempts to maintain stability left its mark on zerna's physical form. his natural ability to teleport only complicates matters. each jump through space creates tiny tears in his already strained dimensional membrane. sometimes his body will glitch in and out of existence as particles β€” parts of him momentarily shifting out of sync with reality before snapping back into place. an arm might briefly fade into a haze, or his silhouette would ripple. these instances became more frequent as time passes. when others notice, sometimes they'll do a double take, but zerna's mastered the art of casual deflection. he knows these glitches for what they were: reminders that he was an anomaly in an already existing reality where he did not belong that sometimes struggles to fully contain at stark industries' seoul division, carving out his own niche as one of the company's most innovative minds. his dual masters in mechanical engineering and computer science laid the foundation, but it's his natural intuition for complex systems that truly sets him apart. stark continues to mentor him through holographic calls as well as lending him his very own EDITH glasses for faster communication, sometimes even occasional in person visits. zerna now deliberately steers clear of anything relating to time travel. when asked about his career, he'll turn evasion into an art form, spinning a different story each time. one day he's a struggling street food vendor, the next a photographer, and sometimes just a self proclaimed professional couch surfer. his favorite routine lately involves dramatically begging for a part time job to make rent. people who fall for this, mostly those who know of his girlfriend in the professional field can't quite figure out how a self proclaimed broke guy managed to win over someone like her.his identity still remains a secret to the public, held by a circle so small he can count them on one hand. each person chosen not just for their trustworthiness but for their understanding of what's at stake. in this new timeline, with a chance at protecting those he cares about, he guards his identity with greater vigilance. there was an instance when his best friend was too caught up in the excitement of spotting him in action, almost calling out his real name in front of hundreds. thankfully, the crowd hadn't picked up such an unexpected grand reveal. later that day, she was quick to apologize for the slip up, laughing about the incident over drinks and a free meal.loves to play his video games and read spider man comics curled up in his chair at home. gaming has become his escape and his way of unwinding after long days of being both hero and engineer. his current obsession is marvel rivals, though it's become a source of entertainment as well as frustration for reasons only he could truly appreciate. he struggles to play as spider man in game; he'll complain about how difficult his character's designs and mechanics are, eventually writing his very own steam review. a somewhat detailed critique about how unrealistic spider man's movements are, complete with frame by frame analysis of why the web slinging physics made absolutely no sense and how crawling on walls were clearly designed by someone who's never experienced being stuck to the ceiling before.physical contact with him is an experience unlike any other. it's a sensation that feels like gentle static charges dancing across skin, like thousands of microscopic needles. but they don't hurt. much. just distinctly otherworldly, like a tingling buzz that lingers like the aftermath of a gentle shock. he's never known the exact cause of this. perhaps it's a side effect of time manipulation, his body still adjusting to being rewritten. that, or maybe it's the result of his powers. a radioactive, teleporting spider did bite him after all. his own personal theory is that it's a combination of both; a quantum state fluctuating between solid matter and pure energy.has bonded with the venom symbiote in the past upon investigation of a crashed space shuttle containing the alien specimen. with venom as a suit, zerna's ability reached new heights. the symbiote felt like an addiction enhanced. agility doubled, strength tripled, and teleportation was nothing he'd ever experienced before. the suit felt alive β€” and it was alive. it was responsive in ways his previous suit never could be. the merge was perfect. too perfect. zerna began to lose sight of who he was beneath all the anger that came from being attached to this symbiote. venom has now found a new host. though they're separated now, the connection lingers and venom craves the connection with zerna as a host more than anything.

* undisclosed info unless plotted